National Honor Society

Membership in the National Honor Society is limited to juniors and seniors. This honor is conferred upon students by the faculty in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in scholarship, service, leadership, and character. The selection committee is composed of faculty members selected by the principal as prescribed by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). 

Criteria for selection into NHS

Scholarship: Seniors with a minimum weighted cumulative grade point average of 91 will be eligible for selection. Students must have a minimum weighted grade point average of 90 at the end of the first trimester of their junior year. There is no rounding.

Service: The candidate will show willingness to help others in the group that are less gifted, volunteer his/her talents toward the attainment of group goals, and perform work without regard to reward.

Leadership: The candidate will demonstrate the ability to motivate others, set the appropriate examples, and establish consistency in leading a group. 

Character: The candidate will be honest, trustworthy, respectful and tolerant of others, and be a pleasant and positive individual.

Students eligible for membership wil be contacted by March 1 and instructed on the process for providing the necessary information to the selection committee.